jsguitar This was the artillary for brother Greg and myself one late April day when the Pickerel fully cooperated .A few Bass were taken on the Rattle trap and the Grub but the Cranks Spoons and spinner caught plenty of pickerel between 18- 22 "
angryjohn The #3 mepps spinner in silver with white tail takes them faster than anything I have ever used.
jsguitar After this amazing outing I'll stay with these .#3 Mepps will join them someday perhaps.
jsguitar What else have you caught Pickerel on besides the Mepps #3? Over 22" I gotta say trolling Crankbaits for the most part ,for me, produce the best Pickerel as they get deeper than a # 3 spinner in the conditions I catch big Pickerel in .My biggest (25") came on a Jersey rigged worm ,low water conditions ,backwoods pond .